Combines the great looks of your dentures, with the stability and function you need.
Snap-In Implant Dentures are similar to dentures, but come with special fittings that allow them to attach, or “snap-in” to the dental implants our doctor places.
Anchoring your dentures with dental implants allows you to:
Enjoy your favorite foods | By securing your denture with dental implants, you’re able to chew with much greater power and confidence.
Taste your food better | Some patients with implants can have part of their upper denture’s palate removed. This allows you to taste your food better.
Receive better nutrition | Ability to eat a wider variety of food and to chew your food much easier.
Speak confidently | Speak in front of crowds or amongst friends and family with confidence knowing that your teeth are firmly secure.
Smile and laugh without worrying about your dentures falling out.
Live more comfortably | Less movement, rubbing, and chafing than traditional dentures.
Reduce or eliminate gagging | In many cases, a portion of the top palate can be removed, exposing the roof of the mouth. This can reduce or eliminate gagging caused by your denture.
Reduce bone loss | Extracted teeth and traditional dentures can contribute to bone loss, but dental implants provide jaw stimulation which encourages your body to continue to produce bone.
Above and beyond what I’m use to around here. My experience was the best ever and doctor knows what he’s doing, that’s refreshing as well. He cares about his work and our needs.
I was blown away with how sweet the staff was. Elisia Edwards was so friendly. I get social anxiety but she was able to calm me down and it felt like I was talking to a friend. People like her make it easy for people with dental anxiety to and feel seen and heard.
I have a fear of dental work but this office is amazing. They are quick but professional and make u feel very comfortable. 10 out of 10 highly recommend.
Appointment was on time, plenty of friendly staff, and the dentist worked quickly and efficiently. He explained what he was going to do and what was happening during the procedure as well as what to expect for follow up.
We’ll just need to see you for a quick consultation to know for certain. During the FREE consultation, we’ll take a 3D scan of your jaw, our doctor will perform an oral examination of your mouth, and they will review your medical history with you.
While traditional dentures typically look nice and are usually the most cost-effective way to replace failing or missing teeth, they can leave a lot to be desired in terms of function, stability, and chewing ability.
Here are some shortfalls of traditional (non-implant) dentures:
Snap-In Implant Dentures help improve or eliminate all of these issues.
Replaces all of your bottom teeth with a secure denture held in by 2 dental implants.
This price includes dental implants, abutments, snaps, and the snap-in denture. It does not include the price of extraction.
Replaces all of your top OR bottom teeth with a secure denture held in by 4 dental implants.
This price includes dental implants, abutments, snaps, and the snap-in denture. It does not include the price of extraction.
Replaces all of your top AND bottom teeth with a secure denture held in by dental implants 8 dental implants (4 top, 4 bottom).
This price includes dental implants, abutments, snaps, and the snap-in denture. It does not include the price of extraction.
Dental implants are a valuable investment in yourself. Breaking this investment into monthly payments makes it easier to access these life-changing services and fit them into your budget. We partner with a variety of financing providers that offer payment plans to cover all or part of your dental implant procedure, making it a great option for all patients, especially those on a fixed income. With flexible financing, you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy, beautiful smile without stretching your budget.
Contact us to learn more about our financing options and schedule your FREE consultation today!
This process typically take around 6 months from start to finish.
Step #1
Once your remaining teeth are removed and any other necessary oral surgery procedures are performed, the dental implants are placed into your jawbone. After this, the implants are typically not visible from the surface. They will remain in your jawbone untouched for at least 4 months while your bone attaches to them during a process called osseointegration.
Step #2
Post Op
We’ll see you back for a quick post-operative appointment, which is usually scheduled the day after your procedure. During this appointment, we’ll evaluate your mouth, ensure that your dentures are fitting comfortably, and answer any questions you may have.
Step #3
Soft Liners
Soft liners are small cushions that we periodically place in your denture as you heal. They fill in the spaces between your gums and dentures, and give your gums some cushioning to help your dentures fit and feel better.
Step #4
This is a small surgical procedure where we re-expose your implants and place small healing abutments on top of them to properly shape your gum tissue and prepare your mouth for your final Snap-In Dentures.
Step #5
We will change out your healing abutments for your denture abutments and perform the steps necessary to attach your Snap-In Dentures to your implants. This step can usually be done in one day.
An upper Snap-In Denture requires at least 4 implants. A lower Snap-In Denture requires at least 2 implants. The more implants you have, the more stable your Snap-In Denture will generally be. This is especially true with the lower denture. 3 or 4 implants in the lower denture is usually much better than 2.
In many cases, yes! We’ll just need to see you for a consultation, during which we will do a 3D CBCT scan of your jaw to see if you have enough bone to support dental implants.
No, we want to allow time for your implants to integrate with your jawbone. This is what makes your implants truly stable and will help ensure you enjoy many years to decades of use out of them. We typically wait between 4 and 6 months before attaching to your Snap-In Denture.
After a Snap-In Implant Denture procedure, it is common to experience some degree of discomfort or pain. The level of pain can vary depending on individual factors such as pain tolerance, the complexity of the procedure, and the body’s healing response. Typically, the first 48 hours after the procedure is when you will experience the most discomfort. However, the pain is typically manageable and should subside over time as the healing progresses.
Yes! We offer a couple options for sedation depending on what is the right fit for you:
Oral Conscious Sedation involves a prescription for sedative pills that are prescribed to you by our doctor. Sedative medication is typically given the night before to help you sleep, as well as the morning of your procedure to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.
IV Sedation involves the intravenous administration of sedatives in order to put you in a diminished state of consciousness throughout the entire procedure. This also has other benefits for reducing post-operative swelling and pain.
Yes, Snap-In Implant Dentures are much more secure than dentures and don’t require any adhesive! We are also able to increase the retention with stronger inserts if you prefer a tighter fit.
It depends on your specific case and where we’re able to place the implants. Ideally, if we’re able to spread the implants out, we might be able to remove a portion of the palate in a Snap-In Denture. With our All-On-4 procedure, we can guarantee the ability to remove the palate, but that’s not always the case with Snap-In Implant Dentures.
Removing the top palate increases the ability to taste for many patients, and also increases hot and cold sensitivity, making for a more natural experience. For patients with a severe gag reflex, removing the palate of the denture can help provide additional relief.
Typically 1-2 times per year, but this will depend on a number of factors so our doctor will be able to tell you a more precise answer for your unique case.
WARNING: PLEASE DO NOT BITE YOUR DENTURES INTO PLACE ON YOUR IMPLANTS! This will wear out your inserts much faster. You should always secure your implant dentures by hand.
Alveoplasty is a procedure where our doctor contours your jawbone. This procedure may be recommended to improve the fit and comfort of your dentures.
Tori are bony knots that develop in the mouth of many patients. They are not harmful, however, they can prevent your denture(s) from fitting comfortably, so our doctor may recommend having them removed.
Yes, any oral prosthetic will get some amount of food underneath it. The great thing about Snap-In Implant Dentures is how easy they are to clean. Just take them out, clean your denture, gums, and implants, and snap them back in!
We do not currently offer zirconia implants. Titanium implants have been around for decades with a long track record of success, but unfortunately, zirconia implants are still very new to the market, so we do not know what their success will be like long-term. We always strive for the most successful and predictable long-term results, and for these reasons, we do not offer zirconia dental implants at this time.
Generally, 4-7 days is sufficient. With that said, there is always the chance of bruising and swelling, and you’ll need to get used to eating and speaking with your new teeth. The longer you can take off the better.
A soft liner is a cushion we place inside your denture to help it fit and feel better as your mouth heals and changes shape after your extractions.
Absolutely not! There are many reasons why younger people might need implant supported dentures. From an injury, to poor dental hygiene, even prior drug use – we’ve seen it all and will make you feel welcome, comfortable, and at ease from the moment you step through our doors.
The Snap-In Denture procedure is typically recommended for individuals who have multiple missing teeth, severely damaged teeth, or significant tooth loss.
There’s no better time than the present to get the life-changing dental treatment you need to live your best and most confident life! Give us a call and we will make sure to get you in for a Free Consultation right away!
Some patients may experience very slight rocking. For patients who have 2 lower implants, these must be placed in the front of the jaw, making it possible for some rocking to occur. A dab of adhesive at the back on each side of the lower denture will usually take care of this. Placing 4 implants on your bottom Snap-in Denture will significantly help prevent rocking.
In this case, you should consider the All-On-4 procedure. Not all candidates for Snap-In Dentures will also be candidates to have the top palate removed.
Yes. Having removable implant dentures makes cleaning them very easy. Just take them out, clean your denture, gums, and implants, and snap them back in!
Snaps | Periodically, you’ll need to swap out the snap rings in your Snap-In Implant Dentures. These will wear and lose retention over time and as you take your teeth in and out. They’re quick and affordable to change.
Cleanings | Just like natural teeth, you’ll need to have your Snap-In Dentures cleaned periodically. Any buildup on your Snap-In Denture teeth will be removed and your dentures will be cleaned.
Periodic Re-Fittings | Your mouth will slowly change over time, so your Snap-In Dentures will need to be re-fitted to ensure their best performance and ensure that unnecessary stress isn’t being put on your implants.
Home Maintenance | This only takes a few minutes each day. Take your Snap-In Dentures out 1-2 times per day and brush them with a denture brush or very soft bristled toothbrush. Also, don’t forget to clean your implants – you’ll want to scrub these with a very soft dental brush.
Patients who are well-suited for dental implants often:
During your consultation, our experienced doctors will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine if dental implants are the right choice for you. In some instances, preparatory treatments—such as scaling and root planing to address gum disease—may be recommended before implant surgery to optimize your eligibility and improve treatment outcomes.
Our team is committed to providing detailed explanations of all available options, ensuring you feel confident in selecting the best approach to meet your tooth replacement needs and goals.
Fill out the form below to request your appointment date. A member of our team will reach out shortly to schedule your appointment and answer any questions you may have.